Delila Press

Define your reason for reading “Teachers’ Field Trip” today:


Are you reading to find the Caring?


* to find and talk about your own Personal Support System?


* to clap to the rhythm?


* to find the rhyming words?


Are you taking turns, each reading two sentences at a time?


Are you just listening to enjoy the story today?

Ideas for Two or More to Share the Reading:


1. Read to share the Caring. Teachers think about their students even when they are not with them.


Read to find out how much the Teachers missed and cared about their students during the Stay-Home-Stay-Safe, Shelter-at-Home Time Period.


2. Read to Share your Family Support System. Gain an understanding of what your child is thinking.


Promote dialogue to help your child recognize, verbalize and understand their Personal Support System of Family, Friends, and Community.


Look through the book for the Capitalized Names of people who are in our Personal Support Systems (i.e. Mom, Dad, Teacher, Heroes (such as Doctors, Nurses, Police and Rescue Workers, etc.).


3. Read to share the Rhythm. Rhyme has a Rhythm.


Have your child read just the bold print words with you, to find the Rhythm of the poem.


Try clapping the beat with each of these words.


4. Read to share the Rhyme. Rhyme has the same vowel sound and the same ending sound, or close to the same ending sound, at the end of each line.


Have your child just read the matching highlighted words to hear the rhyme in the verses.